Chemistry. Oil & Gas

17.09.2019 - 20.09.2019

Roofed Soccer Arena, 20/2 Pobediteley av., Minsk, Belarus


Fair profile

The international specialized Exhibition "Chemistry. Oil & Gas" has been held in Minsk since 1994. It aims to inform specialists about the current state of the chemical technologies market, as well as to promote development of perspective scientific and technological innovations in chemistry, ecology, oil and gas extraction, processing and transportation industry.

The Exhibition is included in Belarusian industrial and investment forum-2019 that has been being held annually since 1997 and gained the image of famous interstate event.


EXPOFORUM, Exhibition company

Time and Venue:

September 17 – 20, 2019
Roofed Soccer Arena, 20/2 Pobediteley av., Minsk, Belarus

Official support:
  • Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry (‘Belneftekhim’ concern)
  • The Belarusian national Academy of Sciences
  • Belarusian Chemical Society
At the Exhibition will be performed:     Exposition departments
  • Current achievements in Chemistry;
  • Chemical, oil, oil-refining and gas Industry equipment, raw materials, technologies and production;
  • Computer-aided management systems of oil and gas extraction, collecting, transportation, storage and refining processes.
Business agenda:
  • Traditional seminar of academician Vladimir Agabekov.
  • Round table "Prospects for the use of composite materials in the petrochemical industry of Belarus".
  • Сonference "Experience of interaction between scientific organizations and enterprises of the industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus".
  • Events of the Belarusian industrial and investment forum.
Statistics 2018:
  • Exhibition participants: 32 companies, enterprises and firms from Belarus, Russia, Romania, Ukraine;
  • more than 3000 specialists visited the Exhibition.

You are invited to participate in the Exhibition!

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